The Church of the Brethren has found the office of deacon deeply significant throughout its history.  The deacon body responds to personal needs and life within congregation as a part of the Church's total ministry.  Our understanding of a deacon;
One who located in our understanding of Jesus himself, who "came not to be served, but to serve" (Mark 10:45).  Service and serving is at the heart of Jesus' teaching about His own ministry, as well as about that of His disciples.
The church of the Brethren has sought, as did the early Church, to meet anticipated needs of the body by calling persons to "set-apart" service, recognizing that the congregation needs particular tasks of service to happen in a compassionate orderly way.
The deacon body's central interest is the spiritual and physical well-being of the church family.
One of the many responsibilities of a deacon is ministry at baptism and assistance with new converts.
Each year we celebrate Pentecost--the birthday of the church. This year it will be celebrated on Sunday, May 28, 2023 with the children's ministry sharing a special song and then we will have a birthday party for the church in the mixing area following the worship service. Come and join us. 
 On Palm Sunday, April 2023 we baptized four new members into the family of God. We are blessed for God's moving in our congregation. May Jesus Christ be praised! 
Pictures of baptism from 2021.